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Guidelines for Advance Reader Copies: Advance Reader Copies, or ARCs, are given out for the purpose of review. While reviews are not required, it is expected that you will leave a review online prior to publication or closely following publication. There is no obligation or expectation to review positively. If you are unable to review for any reason, please let us know so that life circumstances do not affect your ability to receive future ARCs. We are selective about who we send physical ARCs and PR packages to as we only have a limited number. Please note that as physical ARCs and PR packages are primarily promotional in nature and due to the cost, it is expected that you will post the book on social media as well as leave a review online. For influencers - Please note that we do consider micro-influencers and growing influencers for PR packages. If monetary compensation is not discussed in writing prior to you receiving an ARC or PR package, we will assume that the items you receive are sufficient compensation for the promotional labor offered. Please direct any questions to

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