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What We Offer

Full Service Editing

Contrarian will provide you with a full editorial service. This includes Developmental Editing, Line Editing, Copy Editing, and Proofreading. 


Please note that proofreading should take place after the book has been formatted for print.

Line Editing

Addresses the creative content, writing style, and language use at the sentence and paragraph level, including but not limited to words or sentences that are extraneous or overused, redundancies, clarity in passages.


Proofreading should be done after formatting for print. Proofreading compares the typeset page to your manuscript, ensuring all the words, punctuation, and pagination are in order. It is also the final checks for typos, grammar, and punctuation.


Whether you want a cover illustration or interior illustrations, you can look at the Contrarian portfolio and see if any of our affiliate artists are the right choice for you and your book!

Marketing Consultation

Interested in marketing advice? Contrarian can help you create a social media brand, strategy, and plan of action that will be sustainable. We'll also create some assets to get you started!

Developmental Editing

Includes a significant structuring or restructuring of a manuscript's discourse, including but not limited to suggesting adjustments to elements of structure, plot, character, pacing, theme, and other big picture issues.

Copy Editing

Addresses flaws on a technical level, including but not limited to checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax. Copy editing also ensures consistency, flags ambiguous or factually incorrect statements, and tracks macro concerns including but not limited to internal consistency.

Formatting and Book Design

Contrarian will set up your book for publication based on your preferred specifications for your intended publication platform. Does not include cover design or interior or exterior illustration. 

Cover Design

Have a book cover illustration but not the jacket? Need help cleaning up your copy and ensuring your story will entice readers? Contrarian can help give your book a design that your target audience will love.

Self- Publishing Consultation

For those who want guidance on the self-publishing process. Contrarian will help you devise a timeline, advise you on finding freelancers, aid in setting up your books for print and ebook, and help make the opaque world of publishing clearer.

Additional Services

Audiobook recording

Audiobooks are all the rage! Work with Contrarian to record your audiobook, whether it be using an actor or by recording the book yourself. Afterward, we can also help you set it up on audiobook services.

Website Design

Looking to set up your author website? Contrarian will work with you to set up a website that will reflect your brand, capture your audience, and be easy to maintain on your own 

Traditional Publishing Consultation

Interested in traditional publishing rather than self-publishing? With ample experience in the traditional publishing field, Contrarian can help advise you on query letters, sample pages, synopses, and more.

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